Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A slow start...

  Some of us were off to a slow start this morning.  I found myself quite sore from yesterday's fall and my sore throat seemed to be worse.  I think things always seem worse when we're in bed though, so no sleeping in for me:).  We did a bit of a reversal in our daily schedule.  We spent the morning doing lego, lincoln logs and taking it easy.
Our first cabin!

The soldier on the top proved to be too much temptation:(.  Kiersten pulled it all down.

I just protectin' these from Kiersten!

No sandwich bread or english muffins = Egg Burgers.

Not sure how Elyssia turned out to have no neck:).

Caleb ended up with pin head:).

Garrison's was probably the most accurate.

Then they wanted to draw on them.

Garrison did some long marks on the face.  He wanted me to fix it.  He figured a beard like Uncle Preston would work:).

You'll have to turn your head for this one.  I thought I fixed all of them.  Sorry...

This tree house is pretty pathetic, but the kids are really happy with it, since they can't do one outside.  The people can be taken out of the tree house.  Tomorrow we'll make Caleb, Kiersten and possibly a better top for the tree.

  The kids wrote their stories:
                                                 "The Girl Who Wanted A Bike"
                                                    By: Elyssia Holloway

    Amy is 5 years old.  She lives in Russia.  It's very cold there.  She has one sister and two brothers.  Her family is very poor.  Amy really, really, really wanted a bike.  She shoveled people's walks and they paid her for it. It was only about 40 cents, but she shoveled all winter anyway.  At the end of winter she counted her money.  She had $25!  It was enough for a new bike.  It was pink with Dora on it.  She took very good care of it.  It was really special because she earned the money to buy it herself.
                                                            ~The End~

                                               "The Good Knight Story"
                               (but I don't mean for when you go to sleep, said Garrison)

   In the Land of Gurgle-bobble lived a horse.  His name was Toby.  Someone stuck wheels under his hooves.  Toby wanted to gallop, but the wheels rolled.  One day a knight, called Sir Jonathan, came and took the wheels off.  Then Sir Jonathan used him for a fighting(jousting) horse because he was a percheron.  But you know, Sir Jonathan didn't use a sword, he used a spear(he's been informed that it's a lance:).  Then a bad guy, named Petrol, came to put the wheels back on his feet!  Sir Jonathan stayed on the horse so that Petrol couldn't lift his hooves.  Sir Jonathan used his lance to throw petrol into a field of cows.  Along came a bull and butted Petrol out of the field.  Petrol ran to the police and asked for help.  They threw him into jail.
                                                      > The End<

                                               By: Caleb Holloway
  I like snowplows cause they're cool.  They pick up snow and dump it again.  One day a snowplow came to my house.  He shoved all the snow into a pile.  It yooks like a hill.  We can dig and make a snow fort and an igloo.  We tan make a pile of snowballs.  I frow snowballs at people. It's funny.  We tan make a snowman.  We use a carrot for his nose and some raisins for his eyes.  Snow is cold.  We make hot tocolate because we are cold.                                
                                             ---- The end ----
  Scott arrived home a bit after 6:30 and after a bit of a breather and some nourishment we started devotions;
                                           "King Eglon and Ehud"

Eglon, the Very Bad and VERY LARGE king, in Bible times.

The Moabite guard.

The Guard excitedly bringing in Ehud and his present.

"Everyone go out, this present is just for me."

What is it?

Ehud put a dagger in Eglon's belly.  Judgment for his wickedness.

He tried to pull it out, but it was stuck! 

Ehud leaves out another door.

The guard unlocking the door, to check on the king.

Shocked by what he finds, he covers his eyes with a gasp!

Ehud blowing his trumpet, a signal for the Israelites to come and chase out the Moabites.
  Well, that's our day.  We hope that yours was just as enjoyable, minus the colds, coughs, etc...

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