Saturday, January 22, 2011

First customers and so much more.

Today was the grand opening of some new businesses here in Hidden Hollow.  It seems easiest to just post the pics with captions, rather than taking the time to write a lot.  Come on, ya know you just want to see pictures anyway:))).  So, here they are:

This laundromat has pretty reasonable prices:).

The school house just got it's official name.

Don't you just love my retro green chair.  It came with the house:).

Our Saskatchewan flag has found it's home!

We're ready for the unveiling...

A sneak peek.  Visit the gallery if you'd like to see more:).  Don't forget to call for an appt!

We think Lego is the fun art:)  Garrison and I built these.

This is an original creation.  We'll take guesses as to what it is.

The Sunshine Cafe opened!

Clean kitchen.

Great variety on the menu(excellent prices!)

Our first customers left quite happy with their experience.

The first money made at the cafe!

Elyssia thought we needed to make the last room into a guest room.  Click on the pic to read the fine print:))).

This ends your tour of the new businesses in Hidden Hollow.

The picture on Caleb's puzzle was peeling off. I painted over it, so that he would have a new picture.

The evening shadow effect:).

This was a story for Elyssia's school work.  Caleb is Eli(old and very heavy).  Scott put powder in his hair and stuffed a sweatshirt under his for a big belly.  The kids LOVED it and all wanted white hair.  Daddy said no:(.  This made Mommy very happy, because she really wasn't looking forward to cleaning it out of their hair:).
Overall it's been an awesome day.  I've had a sore throat and Caleb seems to have a bit of a cold.  He's been playing like normal though, so we'll see what comes after a good night's sleep.  Kiersten only took a 20 minute nap, so I'm thinking she'll go to bed early tonight. Scott went to town for a bit and found that the sound system is now in place at the church. I'm hoping that we're all well enough to go tomorrow.  It'll be neat to hear the difference in what we hear and what we don't.  I'm hoping it'll cover up all the scooting on the benches and occasional sounds that the kids make. Now that the furnace is quiet, we don't have any noises to cover ours.  There's a roast thawing on the counter, ready to go in the crockpot for tomorrow.  Praying for good weather and good services, with some 1st time visitors.
  This morning I made a GF brown rice hot cereal.  ALL the kids and adults liked it.  Scott doesn't like oatmeal, so it's good that I have a hot cereal he enjoys now.  Kiersten finished off what Caleb left behind at Breakfast and supper:)  She's very amusing to watch eat.  She stands ther and digs her hand in her bowl while intently watching the others.  When her food is all gone it's like she's scoping the others to see who has some left that she can swipe:))).  I'll end the post with a picture of Kiersten eating a kiwi.
She was 1/2 asleep and I put her down for her nap after taking the pic.  I'm surprised she didn't sleep longer.  Those new teeth must really be bothering her.

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