Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I don't think that's a good idea!

So, the lesson tonight was on the cloudy pillar and the fiery pillar.  Options, cover Scott with cotton balls for one and light him on fire for the other?  Did I just say that?  No, he did:))) I knew he was just joking though.  We chose option B, totally the safer one.  It included a sheet and a lantern.  Much better.

The cloud is still-Feel free to stay in your tents!

Elyssia was panicked because he was moving too fast.  Ever the woman, has to make sure she doesn't leave anything:).

Are you sleeping under there?

Excuse the mess, the mommy maid is scheduled for tomorrow.

Now, for the fire to guide us at night.

Or click on the picture to see Caleb's glowing eyes:)  I think we can see them in the dark too!

What's with the glowing eyes children?

Questions after the Devotions... Wouldn't it be nice if we still had those to guide us. To show us when to go someplace and by following it to end up exactly where God wants us.  Today we have God's word and although it usually takes more time to discern God's will,  it CAN be just as clear.  We felt God leading us to Saskatchewan and we've never regretted it.  Many asked if anyone wanted us here.  Our answer was, "God does!".  He's shown that He does and we're so thankful to be here.  I still think the cloud idea is a good one though:).

  This afternoon I shared a favorite movie with the kids.  It was Swiss Family Robinson. These were a couple of things that I loved about the movie when I was younger:
  The Thrill of Adventure!
  The thought of being together as a family, working together to survive.
  Building things from what you had around you.(I LOVED the treehouse!)
As an adult I thought about some other things that would be nice:
  No taxes, cars, food bills, electricity bills, and the list goes on(of course the dangers increase too:).

Here's what they took from it and some of the many???(most from Elyssia, who can't stand the suspense).
  Why is the ship sinking?  Why are the words(actors names) bursting on the screen?  Who's driving the boat? Is that a bad boy? Are the pirates going to kill them, I don't want them to, this is NOT good!  Why won't you tell me what happens? Did all the pirates die?
  Garrison gives a few quiet comments: Yeah, they'll get the pirates.  Those logs are going to fall on them.  What kind of snake is that?
  Caleb says, "Yook it, a zebra, dogs, a TIGERRRR, that's a bad snake:(, etc...
Does anyone else see how different the comments are between girls and boys.  I probably think a lot of the same things as Elyssia, but she goes into full panic mode.  These are not real people, right?  Me: Well, they're real people, but they're pretending to be in danger and things.  No one really gets killed, I wouldn't let you watch a movie where the main character dies. Stop hyperventilating and watch the movie:)  I totally said that to her more than once.

  Funny how our perspectives change as we grow.  I thought about how excited the men were in Swiss Family Robinson, to be building with their hands and providing for the family.  I thought of how much of a thrill Scott gets out of starting with some pieces of wood and ending with a beautiful creation(or something necessary).  Do we give God that thrill and satisfaction?  He creates a masterpiece in the womb( a miracle really) and has a plan in mind for us from the beginning.  How many of us disappoint Him by rejecting HIM as our Creator or, us as Christians, by not reaching our potential and becoming the masterpiece that HE has in mind?  I'm SO thankful that God loves me(us) all the time, even when I(we) don't make wise choices.  On the second of February I will celebrate my 14th Spiritual Birthday(the day that I asked Jesus to save me).  No matter where we're at, He's always willing to meet us there, help us to our feet and remain with us for the rest of our lives.  Looking forward to seeing Him face to face someday soon!

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