Wednesday, January 26, 2011

It's ready?

So, the day is coming to a close already.  It was another one of those blink and the hours are gone, kind of days.  I'm writing later than usual because Scott had a meeting and didn't get home til 8:30, after devotions a friend called, so now it's 9.  It's going to be a picture kind of post:))).
One of my handsome fireman(Is that a Kiersten in the background?)

I was closing the fridge as I walked through the kitchen, only to hear, "don't close me in ever again!"  I, of course apologized, not knowing that anybody could fit in my fridge.  It must be time to do more shopping:))).

This little miss is very conscientious about brushing her teeth,  not so much about making sure she uses her own toothbrush.  I think it has a lot to do with yummy toothpaste;).

We did bean names today.  I really didn't want to take pictures of Elyssia today because she looks so sick, but she wanted hers to be seen too.  She's starting to feel better, but she rubs her eyes a lot, which doesn't help.  Elyssia asked Garrison if he wanted his on the wall.  He said, "okay, it can stay there til it burns up".  For those of you who are wondering, he's not talking about a house fire.  We've tried to teach them to treasure family and friends because they, not toys, are what matter in this life.  We can take them to Heaven, but our stuff down here will be burned up later on.  Garrison has mentioned this several times since he learned about it.

Caleb did this when he was really little and apparently boys don't grow out of it that quickly.

Garrison thought it was the funniest thing and had to give it a try.

Acting all cool(I'm just thankful it was clean).

Taking it easy and coloring.

I forgot to mention that Elyssia finished this Math book yesterday.

She's doing a GREAT job and is now in the second one.

I was teasing the boys with a puppet story.  They wanted to do it, but I probably should have found one of the dogs or something for Caleb.
 Devotions = Deborah and Barak
Sisera driving his chariot.

Deborah, who dwelt under the palm tree.

Deborah asking Barak to deal with Sisera.

I'll go if you go with me.

I'll go, but the Lord will give Sisera into the hand of a woman.

Sisera running! His chariot and those of his men were stuck in the mud!

Barak defeated the army of Sisera.  We spent over an hour finding all the parts for these guys tonight.  I'm glad we could put them to good use:))).

Sisera asking Jael if he could hide in her tent. Pretend you don't know that Elyssia is playing two parts.

Sisera sleeping in the back of the tent.

Jael putting a nail in his temple.  She has her eyes closed, so I think he will be okay.  He has to be okay, he left his toast under the chair and has to finish eating that before bed:).
  After supper I decided that it was time to clean out the area under the stove.  I didn't take pictures because it was NASTY!  We found all kinds of treasures that slid under the stove.  There were puzzle pieces, lego, a book, etc.  The boys helped me and had a lot of fun. They were bumping into each other and giggling.  When we finished they said, " Can we do this some more? It's a good hiding spot back here."  I told them that we should do it at least once a month.  How often do other people do it?  It's not really something I've ever asked anyone. I'm glad that I have two good helpers.
   Since it's getting so late, I'll save stories for a slow news day.  What am I talking about?  We don't seem to have those anymore:).  In fact, we had some good news today.  The car is ready!  We're going to go into town in the morning, get the car and run some errands. Scott has a job to do and Elyssia has been asked to help at a quilting bee.  She gets to help lay out the fabrics, etc... She's very excited!  Maybe I should send the camera with Sharon, so that we can get pics of her helping out...

1 comment:

  1. Rent is crazy, my new place is $550 a month and it's rediculously small.


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