Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I don't know much more than those who have Christina as a friend on facebook, but for those who don't...  Thank you for praying for my neices.  Caleigh went first and Christina said she did great!  She has a sparkly green cast, which I'm looking forward to seeing.  Cameryn's was also successful and she chose a sparkly pink cast:).  The Lord has brought these girls through so much in their short lives.  These new rods are supposed to extend as they grow, so hopefully they won't have to have this surgery every two years.  I was thinking about them as I thought about how we think headaches and the flu are something to moan about.  Really, even in the midst of these, we still have so much to thank the Lord for.  I'm very thankful that things went well and know they would appreciate prayers for the girls quick recovery.  Generally the recovery time is 6 weeks if all stays on track.  Mom and Christina's parents will be helping for some of the time, but it's still going to seem long to little girls wanting to enjoy summer and freedom from school.
  Last night brought another surprise.  We thought the flu had left, but apparently it was just in hiding.  Garrison had been fine since Sunday morning, but he threw up over and over last night.  He's resting now.  Hope this is the end of it for him.  Hard to watch the little guy heaving so much.
  Here are pics from before:

Opening the "tomb" to see the resurrection cookies.

They taste like pavlova, but they have pecans in them.

I'm getting pretty used to seeing "ginormous" potatoes.  It only takes two to make a potato salad.

My yummy fruit salad. There are grapes, bananas, apples and strawberries underneath.

Good going down.  Not sure how it felt later.

We love fruit!

A pic of the kids sandbox for a friend to see.  You push the two sides open. We'll add handles later, but it's good because the kids need help to open. That way the cats won't be in it because it was left open.

  Last night was full of unusual sounds.  I'm glad I went to bed early.  I was awoken by No No and Scratch A Mouse fighting on the porch.  No No has kinda gone wild and is horribly mean to Scratch A Mouse.  He's wounded him on the head and Scott said that he comes back and gets him in the same place every time to keep it from healing.  I think Taffy prefers Scratch A Mouse, but No No comes around to bother her as well.  Not sure what we'll do.  It doesn't seem right to keep No No around when he's such a bully.   Then there was what sounded like a mouse under the bed.  I thumped the side and the sound stopped.  Then I heard it again, only it was louder.  I was thinking, "that is a huge mouse!".  It stopped, but the next time I heard it, it seemed like it was near Scott's side.  I looked over and found that Caleb was sleeping on the floor.  There were some papers that he was shuffling when he moved in his sleep.  I'm so thankful it was him and not a mouse:).
  I also forgot to mention in the very busy two day post that we also had the toilet overflow.  Guess it was time to clean the bathroom floor again...  Scott has a new toilet, but doesn't have time to install it yet.  He was thinking that he would have a day at home this week, due to rain, to work on some projects, but the weather has been quite nice, which means he has plenty to keep him busy in town. 
  So, today we're staying pretty low key.  Some outside time, some chores, some naps, etc... Praying that doesn't include more sickness.

1 comment:

  1. so sorry you all are sick. I know it is so sad to see the kids like that. Hope everyone is healthy VERY soon!!!

    Our paperwork is done we are just waiting for our referral, which is when we find out who our son is. The wait time is 6-12mo and we have been waiting almost 5mo. So hopefully this yr we will find out. And then we wait for a court date to appear before an Ethiopian judge and then after that we wait another 1-3mo for a court date. So we are hoping he will be home by spring.


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