Monday, April 30, 2012


Today was one of those days that I look back and wonder, "how in the world did it all get done?" Here are highlights good and bad;).

-Wonderful time spent with the Lord as the sun was coming up for the day

-Scott fixes his fabulous Applesauce Oatmeal Pancakes for Breakfast(A tradition for Monday Mornings).

-Garrison is my fisher for morning dishes, while Caleb feeds the animals and Elyssia helps Kiersten get dressed.

-I help the kids get a zoo filled with beanie babies set up, since they worked quickly and have 30 minutes to play before school:).

-School time, almost went smoothly. Scott called halfway through and while I was distracted Caleb decided to use his scissors on one of the couch pillows. He was waiting for me to show him what to cut in his preschool book. Note to self: Don't let Caleb have scissors til he's married:). Just kidding. He's definitely done more damage with them than any of the other kids, but he seems to make up for his distructive nature in other ways...

-No nap, due to phone calls, feeding baby and getting ready to go to town for Grocery Sale Day.

-Garrison get a sliver in his foot. I guess he didn't learn his lesson after the stitches, eh? He's fine and life went on...

-Scott called my cell phone when we didn't arrive at the store by 1. We arrived about 1:06(Delay caused by sliver, baby needing to eat and me starting to back out over Caleb's bike that he left behind the van. Hmmmm. I'm starting to think that perhaps the trip to town might not go so well. Prayed on the way though for the Lord's help to settle us and help us to enjoy the trip.

-We split up with two carts and we each took half the list. I can honestly say that I had more things on my list, but that's because I like to check prices and make substitutions on things that are more expensive some times. I gave Scott the items that I knew would be necessities. We found that it went really well and we had quite a lot of fun with it. There was an older lady that came over just to see Addy and couldn't resist tickling her little foot that was sticking out from under the blanket:). I think that seeing little babies and young children must bring back a lot of sweet memories for these ladies. We tend to take a lot of it for granted and even complain about many things when we're in the midst of it, but I have a feeling that I will look back on it with a lot of fond memories when I'm older:) We had a bit of time while the boys were finishing to visit with a friend and when we were done we met at the front. The kids did a GREAT job helping to put things on the counter and then into bags. Scott suggested that Caleb might like to stay and do it all day because he was so good at it:). Caleb didn't think it was a good idea...

Scott had some extra time, due to a hold up with the other guys, so we headed to Dairy Queen for ice cream cones. This was only the 2nd time that we'd been there in 3 years, so it was definitely a treat for us. I let Adelaide try my ice cream and she pretty much considered it hers from that point on:))). She was pretty funny. She would actually grab for it when I'd put it to my mouth.

We received something special in the mail from one of the kids Uncles. They were all very excited and found special spots to carry their "Little Rodrigo's". It will be something special to remember him by as he heads out on his big trip...

Scott went back to work and we headed home. We finished listening to the second half of a Lamplighter cd and I'm still amazed by how much we love the stories. We listen to them over and over, but they're so well done that it really doesn't get old.

The weather was quite nice and after the kids helped bring all the groceries in they went out to play. They returned shortly, covered in mud... I can be thankful that today was also laundry day. We managed(with a lot of help from the kids) to get it all washed. There are still 2 loads to fold, but I'm thankful that we got it to that point, with all the extra activity today.

Tonight we enjoyed the first watermelon of the year. It was actually REALLY Good! We had little pieces with yogurt and it was just the right ending to our meal of enchiladas, rice and steamed broccoli. We were pretty full, but I think we always have a bit of room left when there's watermelon to eat:).

Kiersten was my fisher for evening dishes and I really enjoyed watching her, chatting with her and gazing out the window at the other kids learning how to play football. Scott had them help plant a tree and then started teaching them the basics of football. I could tell by Garrison's actions that he didn't like something and soon found out what it was. He didn't think it was right that Scott kept him from getting to Caleb, when Caleb had the ball. Totally something most kids would think was unfair when they want to get something from another child:). Scott sat down and drew pictures of how the game worked after that and I think it's starting to sink in. It will be interesting to see how things go over the summer as they get better at it...

No naps meant an early bedtime. We had devotions, which Kiersten interrupted to tell me that she was dying. I told her that she wasn't and she said, "Once I was in your tummy and once I died." Her thoughts are very interesting to me. I told her that she hadn't died and she said, "Sometime I will". Hmmm. Yes, that is true, because we all die someday, but I'm really not sure where the thought came from. Our verse in Proverbs wasn't about dying. It's one of those random 2 year old things, I guess...

Elyssia wasn't quite as sleepy and took the opportunity to come and play with Adelaide while I folded laundry. We had a pretty interesting conversation and it was a really nice way to end the day. Yes, there were many ups and downs, but I'm so thankful for everything that the Lord brings us through each day. Thankful for the children and people that He's brought into our lives. Thankful for a day of Sunshine after the snow and rain. Thankful for the Lord's provision of a house, clothes and food to eat. Thankful for another day of Life.

Til Next Time...

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