Monday, December 13, 2010

Winter Fun...

Garrison playing with Scott's G.I. Joe base.(The G.I. Joes are G's.)

Elyssia made cookies with the homemade playdough I made for the kids.

Kiersten's ready for church and wearing her birthday mittens from Great Grandma Neilson.


Caleb just keeps adding layers instead of changing out of his pajamas:))).

Sour cream cutouts for the Ladies meeting cookie exchange.

Caleb with different pjs, winter boots and ketchup from the lunch he just finished:).

Awesome Lemon dessert that Scott made!

It was all gone before bedtime!

Elyssia wrapped like a mummy for her history lesson. Kiersten thought it was great!

Tonight was also the Ladies Bible Study.  We had a supper at the church before the meeting and had lots of fun.  Two of the Ladies came in earlier and re-arranged the kitchen, decorated the main area and table, put out food and made apple cider!  It was amazing to arrive and not have to do anything. I usually go at least an hour early to get things set up.  I try to prepare a snack and have a bit of extra study time, but I'll admit it was nice to come and have it already done for me.  We ate, enjoyed laughing as two of the ladies told how Elyssia and Garrison were on Sunday when I wasn't there.  Apparently they got into jelly beans downstairs and were acting quite silly.  They were okay during church, but provided a bit of amusement.  One incident that I found funny was that when Scott told Garrison to sit up after one of the songs he replied, "but Dad Mrs. Brenda brought Christmas presents for us!"  Apparently she'd told them about the presents before church and they were super excited.  Less than two weeks to keep them from opening them:).  We went through a study on Mary and it provided quite a bit of discussion.  There were several aspects of her life that I hadn't really thought about before doing this Study.  I'm really thankful that we're going through these.  It helps to develop a deeper relationship than just the everyday discussions.  We played one game, since we kinda ran out of time.  We probably could have stayed an extra hour, but the fog was pretty bad and we wanted to get home before it got too late.  I just barely made it into the driveway.  The snowdrifts are pretty high and the Vibe doesn't think it wants to go over them.  We all went home with a good variety of cookies and good memories.  One of the ladies made me a Christmas apron.  I'll have to get someone to take a picture of me sometime.  I should have taken a picture of the quilt that was used for a decorating divider.  It was awesome!  One of the ladies made it for her daughter and is going to give it to her as a wedding present.  I'm thankful that she brought it for us to see though.  I'm a quilt lover and would collect quilts if I had a lot of money:)  I love to snuggle in them in the winter time and enjoy just looking at them when they're not in use.  I think there are at least 6 ladies in the church that do quite a bit of quilting now.  Maybe we'll have a quilting bee someday.
  Anyway, overall it was a great way to start the week.  Looking forward to the family coming next week.  Until then there's plenty to do with cleaning, homeschooling, baking, etc...

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