Monday, December 20, 2010

Why am I awake?

Hmmm... Just put the baby to bed and thought it was a good time to do computer stuff, that way I can spend the time during the day with the kids:)  Good plan now, bad plan later if I'm tired...  The weekend was another whirlwind.  On Friday Elyssia informed me that she was going to start praying for me to have twins.  She said she'll wait until march though.  WOW! Thanks for the warning;).  Not sure what to say about that one.  I'm thinking that one at a time is good, but maybe wait a bit longer.  We'll see. 
  Scott was helping with a funeral on Saturday, so we managed to keep busy through the morning and early afternoon.  The girls and I headed out about 3:30 to do Elyssia's Christmas shopping.  I just have to say that Elyssia's desire to give is bigger than her pocketbook.  Good thing she's going to start saving up at the beginning of the year this time:)  We did pretty good, considering that she had about 1.50 to spend on each person.  I also have to say that she only bought one present at the dollar store.  She finished wrapping them herself last night and did pretty good for her first time. I totally would have gone with the gift bag option. She has a couple of those two, but tends to head towards the paper and tape option.
  Sunday morning was a bit busier than normal.  Scott decided that he wanted to make cinnamon rolls in the morning and I just want to say that I'll gladly accept half the credit for them since I got to do the enormous amount of dishes that he left behind him.  They were pretty amazing:)  At least one person told him to quite carpentry and start baking:).  He's been told that before.  I know it's not because his carpentry isn't good either.  He just makes some really awesome food!  We both agreed that it would probably be better to make them on Saturday next time.  Glad we could agree on that:).  All 4 stayed in for both services, with only one quick trip out for the boys.  Amazing how busy I was last year trying to keep them sitting still and quiet.  Now, the Lord is even helping Kiersten to stay quiet for the most part.  In the morning she was mostly looking at pictures in her books.  She started growling a bit when she saw the animals.  Good thing it wasn't really loud.  In the afternoon she slept for a little bit and ate some of the little cookies that were given to us for Christmas.  Thankful for the little things...  We had a REALLY relaxing evening.  Amazing how restful it is to have an afternoon service and not take the second trip into town.  I'll enjoy it this week because next week we're scheduled at Caleb Village and we'll have all our services, come home for a couple hours and then head back in.  The next day we'll be heading to Scott's folks, so I'll probably be looking back on this weekend and trying to draw on the extra energy:)  We sang some Christmas song and Scott did the little devotion that goes with the Adorenament. Garrison, lacking an afternoon nap, fell asleep at the beginning.  I laid down around 7:30, just waiting for Scott to get Caleb to sleep.  I didn't wake up again until I got Kiersten and when I looked at the clock it was 2:30.  Guess it's time to go back to bed now, eh?  It's 3:15 and if I can get my mind settled down again I have another couple hours to sleep:).  Oh, another praise is that a friend of mine had a baby boy on the 16th.  I didn't find out til yesterday, since she had a midwife in Saskatoon.  Looking forward to hearing all the details and the name:).  Looks like this busy week has started early...

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