Thursday, December 23, 2010

They're Here!

 So, this afternoon the first guests arrived.  Scott's parents got to the house before I got back from town.  I was visiting a friend that just had a baby.  He(Baby B) is soooo adorable. She had a midwife assisted birth in Saskatoon and it was interesting to hear the story from 1st contraction to present day:)  Not sure if I'd ever choose to do it, especially since Saskatoon is the nearest place to use a midwife.  That's 2 and a half hours for us and if the Lord blesses us with another baby I'm really not sure that I'd make it to Saskatoon.
  Yesterday was quite fun.  We went out to the Hutterite colony to watch the school kids Christmas program.  I try not to brag very often, but all four of the kids were REALLY well behaved for the whole concert.  Kiersten had her arms around my neck and was hugging me through quite a bit of it.  She's gotten even more snugglie lately and I LOVE it!  I can't get enough of her sweetness:).  She did attempt to throw a tantrum on Tuesday, but we nipped it in the bud;)  I think she got the message.  At least we're praying she did.  She's normally very sweet, but is very observant of her older siblings.
  Caleb was hilarious tonight.  He was saying in his deep growly voice, "I'm the boss of my sausage, yummm yummm yumm."  He was also singing a version of Elyssia's new song, Nobody likes me, Guess I'll just eat cake.  The giggle at the end is the clincher.  Elyssia was singing the version with worms, substituting bugs, etc and I put it into her head that she should sing cake.  It's now a favorite around here.
  Garrison and Elyssia stayed with Nana and we took the two younger ones to prayer meeting.  It went well and Kiersten was transferred from van to house, out of snowsuit and into her crib without waking up. I LOVE this stage:)  Caleb was asleep, but woke up for a snack, 3 books and extra snuggles.
  Elyssia is so excited about Christmas and everything that goes on that she's literally bouncing everywhere.  She thinks of a new craft to make for a gift almost every day.  I hope the Uncles don't mind getting so many gifts;).  I have to admit it's fun to be infected with her contagious giggle.  Looking forward to the Christmas Eve Service at church tomorrow night and the arrival of the Uncles. I have a bit of baking to do for that tomorrow, so I'd better not stay up too late.  Til next time...

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