Monday, April 24, 2017

The Crying Usher?

The Sunday before last we a bit of a humorous/embarrassing situation. I, as the mother, should have foreseen this happening, but did not... Caleb woke up that Sunday morning, got dressed and said that he wanted to be the usher. I'm not sure if it was because family was going to be at church, or what, but it was a bit unusual. He's usually more than happy to have Samuel be the usher. Samuel has gotten used to it and was not prepared for "losing" his job:(. I had gone downstairs with Lillian, who was having a bit of a rough go of it, and neglected to bring Samuel down with me. He was sitting with Kirk and Darlene and seemed quite happy about it. I could hear things going on upstairs over the speaker in the nursery and all seemed well... Then the second song ended. Scott starts to pray and all of the sudden I hear Samuel start to cry, none to quietly... "I'm the usher, I want to be the usher..." I'm still chuckling over it, but still wishing I had brought him down and avoided the scene. I went upstairs and helped with a "not so quick exit". So, live and learn. Thankful our little guy loves ushering, but realizing he's got a ways to go in the "taking turns business".

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