Saturday, May 12, 2012

Just a little over a month to go...

Yes, that 30th Birthday is approaching quickly. I really think this has been one of our most productive years ever though. Today, although I didn't plan it this way, I was able to get another item on my 30 x 30 list checked off. Planting flowers in front of the deck. I still have some other artistic things to do, but I think the flowers are all in.

Scott wanted me to go into town for the afternoon and I didn't object to that:) He wanted to finish the kids mother's day present for me. I started moving the wagon wheels and it ended up being part of the present. I didn't realize it until I got home and found that he'd added to what I started and planted flowers inside the circle of rocks. I think it looks really nice, but I might be slightly biased. The kids helped to get lots of rocks and and planted some flowers too. Scott got quite a bit accomplished with getting our big garden ready to plant, which puts us farther ahead for the work next week.

He had some things for me to pick up in town, but I had a couple hours free to just wander around. I decided it would be a good time to visit a friend that doesn't make it out of the house much anymore. We had a very nice visit and she sent me home with some hen and chick plants for my garden. The day was perfect for planting in the morning and the evening. I was gone in the afternoon when the kids were resting and missed the hottest part:).

I hear the little one calling for me and I should get her fed and put down for the night pretty quick. She already said her first word before she turned 6 months. It's "blah, Blah, blah,:)" Just so you know how brilliant she is:)

Wishing my mother, mother-in-law and all my "mother" friends a Happy Mother's Day tomorrow!

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