Monday, August 1, 2011

The LONG weekend...

Our company started arriving on Friday. They were all here by 8 and had a bit of time to visit before the kids went to bed. Saturday marked the start of the big building project. Friday Shirley surprised us by delivering a load of sand for the sandbox! I spent most of the time preparing food with Scott's mom and taking pictures. So, instead of writing a mini epic about the weekend, I'll just post the pics:).

We found that Kiersten can climb halfway up the climbing wall unassisted when wearing crocs. Yikes! The good news is that she can't seem to get any grip when she's wearing tennis shoes. Praise the Lord!:) The other 3 have no problem going up and down and are really enjoying their "treehouse". Scott put a bucket on a rope for them tonight. They can pull things up to play with and it makes their climb a bit safer. Caleb would climb with cars, etc, in his hands.

We had lots of good food this weekend, but were too busy to take pictures. 4 homemade pizzas that we thought were the best tasting so far. A ham dinner, homemade floats, fruit. I feel stuffed just thinking about it.

Sunday we had missionaries, but we can't post pics of them. They're headed to Turkey and the less info out there about them the better. We really enjoyed getting to know them and brought lunch to the church to eat with them before they headed out. They have 3 little kids that are close in age to ours and it was neat to observe them playing together. The new Sunday School curriculum arrived last week and the kids said they REALLY like it:). We had 2 other visitors. They were the parents of one of the men in our church. They actually help with cowboy church at rodeos. It would have been interesting to get to know them better, but there was only so much time.

After the company left it was time to get to Extra Foods for sale day. They actually helped me pack them in bags and out to the car today. Maybe it was the fact that I had two carts or the comment about being pregnant. Whatever it was, I was thankful for the help. It was another warm day, but not up to 100 like on Sunday. Oh, we also had a bizarre wind/rain storm on Friday night that made the power go out for about 30 minutes. The kids enjoyed the candles though.

That catches us up for now. Hoping for a slower week. The new guy should be headed out to the oil field tomorrow, so once the kids adjust to the lack of visitors, it should be a good week.

1 comment:

  1. Bizarre picture uploader keeps changing the order of the pictures.


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