Sunday, February 28, 2016

25, 26, 27, 28 and 29:)

Yeah, I'm a slacker... I did have a fairly good week though! The weather was quite nice and the kids had more outside play time after school.

-Yummy dessert experiments

-I was able to read 1 and a half books that were not from my children's pile:).

-Goat chops that turned out to be delicious!

-Listening to Sam play "The Animal Guessing Game" with Scott.

-Thoughts of spring...

-A good day at church today!

-A thoughtful husband that has reserved time each Saturday to take the kids one at a time for a "date with Dad". Only 2 more to go...

-Some tulips Scott brought home yesterday. They are pink and very cheerful:).

-Plenty of Hot Water for Evening Baths.

-Finding Winter Gear for next year for an excellent price. It's a huge savings when we're able to get things on sale at the end of each season, rather than waiting until we have to have it and ending up paying full price.

-Finding out one of the keynote speakers at the Homeschool Convention is the author of our History Series. Scott and I are really looking forward to that session!

-My crockpot. I think I've mentioned this friend before:).

-The friend that challenged me to do "Thankfulness Month". We graduated together almost 20 years ago. Gasp!!! Did I just say that? We really should meet at the top of the Empire State Building for our 20th High School Reunion in 2019:))). 3 years should be enough time to save up:). Wonder why they let us graduate when we were 10? Any ideas about that Rachel?

Til my next post-In March...

1 comment:

  1. They let us graduate that early because we were geniuses, of course. And yes! A high school reunion at the top of the Empire State Building sounds ah-MAY-zing!


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