Saturday, January 7, 2017

Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow!

Praising the Lord today for the wonderful gift of a New Year! We are wrapping up the first week of it with all of it's challenges and areas of growth and want to give all the glory to the Lord! He is such an amazing, wonderful Creator. Each day is fresh and full of things to learn. Time to invest in others and learn what God has for us to do. This year we are praying that the Lord would draw us ever closer in our walk with Him. I long to see my Saviour face to face one of these days. O what a glorious day that will be! While I'm still here though, I'm excited about the work that He has for us to do and the team(our little ones) He's sent to help us in serving Him! Seeking to bring Him honor and glory in all that we say and do. Praying that my posts this year will be encouraging and uplifting as we seek to grow spiritually day by day and share our greatest treasure with anyone who wants Him!

My first praise for answered prayer this year is my neice, Cameryn. She turned 18 right after Christmas this year and had major back surgery yesterday to try to relieve some of the pain that she is having from scoliosis. She was born with brittle bones disease(OI) and has borne more physical pain and surgeries in her 18 years than many of us will face in our lifetime. In spite of that, she is one of the most amazing young ladies the Lord has ever brought into my life. I truly believe that the Lord gave a wonderful gift to this world, when he made her and another one when her sister, Caleigh, was born! They have been such an amazing testimony of living, in spite of what the world looks at as a handicap. I know it hasn't been easy for their parents to see them go through the pain and help them with all their physical challenges, but in spite of it all, they LOVE the LORD! He is their Saviour, provider, refuge and strength. They are living life and loving those around them. They have been blessed with many friends that love to spend time with them. They were given the ability to sing and they use it for Him! God gifted them with a wonderful sense of humor and they share it liberally:))). There were times that I desired to encourage them and walked away having been encouraged by them instead. I'm so thankful that the Lord guided the dr. through the long surgery and look forward to seeing what He has planned for Cameryn in the days and years ahead. Praying for healing after the surgery, trusting that He, the Great physician, will provide it!

Looking forward to hearing from His word tomorrow and learning to rest in Him, without whom, none of us would be here today. Leaning on the everlasting arms and resting in Him!

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