Saturday, October 30, 2010

Time off for good behavior?

  Not sure if that's what you call getting a couple of hours without the kids, but I'm having a hard time thinking of a title.  Today felt like a bit of a holiday.  Mostly because Scott's had to work or study for several Saturdays in a row.  This morning I got to lay in bed with Kiersten til 7:). While I was being "lazy" Scott made bannock with the boys.  He had a couple things on his to do list, but told me that I could go "child-free" to town for the morning.  I had a few groceries to purchase, but mostly just had the opportunity to do it slowly, browsing the kids section for Garrison's birthday, without being asked for a toy, snack, or having to make sure that all hands stayed in the cart:)  Mind you, the kids are generally super good at the store.  They know that if they whine, they definitely don't get anything and if they cry(when they're not hurt) that we leave the store immediately and no one gets anything.  We've only had to do that once with each of the 3 older ones so far.  A huge blessing for sure! 
  When I got home he'd made no-bake cookies with the kids, fed them lunch and had a batch of beets ready to be canned(for him, of course:).  The house may or may not have been messy, but the fact that the kids were happy and ready to help carry in some groceries was a blessing.  The weather today has also been a huge blessing.  Sunny and slightly warm made an afternoon walk very desirable.  Kiersten went in the stroller and the others had fun seeing who could run the fastest.  I would post pictures, but I've been too busy spending time with the kids and didn't have the camera handy.Gotta go finish supper prep.
  P.S. Driving the Vibe was an added bonus!

1 comment:

  1. O your husband is so good to you. Glad you had a nice day


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