Saturday, October 9, 2010

Another find!

Last night I was downstairs putting the final touches on the guest bedrooms for family, when what do you think I found in the bathroom?  Another.....FROG!  So, now we have a froggie couple:)  We have no clue whether we have a boy and girl or two boys,we haven't taken the time to look it up either.  Anyway, we decided on a name this morning after the kids woke up.  So, the new frog has a girl's name-"Rosie the Ribbeter".  I thought we needed a name at least as clever as Hopper Jack, so that was my entry and it was a bit hit:).  So far, so good, this morning. The kids were super excited to see the uncles when they woke up and the Grandparents arrive a bit later this morning. It will probably be within the next hour or so, so I'm off to relax and enjoy having someone else to entertain the kids this fine Saturday morning!

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