Friday, September 17, 2010

StAgEs Of LiFe

So our oldest woke up to find herself in a new stage of life.  The stage of the "LOOSE TOOTH".  Our youngest has been getting a couple in at a time, so it'll be interesting to see the changes as each tooth appears and disappears:)  Elyssia might have a goofy smile for awhile and Kiersten will take on a new look as she leaves her toothless days behind her. I kinda like the toothless look, but wouldn't want to see Kiersten never get any:). Elyssia is so excited!  She has been wanting to lose one ever since she heard that her cousin Abigail lost one.  Now it's Judah's turn.  If he loses one before he turns 6 then they will have all lost one at the same age.
  On to the other news of the day...  Nana and Grandad, a.k.a. Scott's parents will be arriving tonight!  We haven't told the kids that they're coming, so I'm expecting a lot of excitement when they pull up. We've told them of previous visits, but then we have to hear all week long, "are they coming TODAY?"  So, surprises are nice.  The house is just about ready. Just a few pies and pasties to make and we'll be ready. I'm pretty much over my cold and looking forward to having company.  It's also the weekend after we finish homeschooling for the day, so I'm looking forward to that as well. 
  Tomorrow is a workday at the church.  The men will be replacing the last of the shingles on the church roof.  Praying for their safety, as it is a very steep pitched roof on pretty much every side.  They were up there a couple months ago and it went just fine, so I know the Lord can protect them and my worrying won't help anything. 
  Scott brought home batteries, which means I can start taking pictures again!  Hopefully I'll get around to it. It's been a while and I've gotten out of practice:)  Til next time...

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