Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Playgroup Blessings

Playgroup was one of those things I was uncertain about. I wasn't really sure that it was the Lord leading me to do it. A couple people in the church had approached me about it and at first I just thought of all the extra work it was going to be. So, we set the date, a bit nervously, and dove in with both feet. Setting things up so that it would keep the kids interested long enough for the parents to talk. The first week we thought that no one was going to show up. 15 minutes into it we had a mother and 3 girls walk in. She attends the church on a regular basis and we were thankful that the kids at least had some kids to play with. The next month it was just us. The 3rd month in walked another mother and 3 kids. They also go to the church on a regular basis and we were thankful to see them. Still not seeing any interest from the community made me question whether it was Gods will and if we should continue. We had one month left of those that had been advertised, so I decided to stick it out. Garrison had ended up with stitches in his foot, due to an accident with carpentry staples and it was the week after Kindersleys 100th anniversary weekend. Getting ready to head to Castor for their 100th Anniversary had me a bit exhausted. We were looking to the Lord for the energy to get through this one though. Lo, and behold, in walked a FIRST time visitor! Yeah, Praise the Lord. She had one little girl and was expecting her 2nd in about 4 months. All went well til Kiersten bumped her chin and bit through the top of her tongue. The other mother calmly went back to her house for a freezie due to a lack of any ice at the church. No freezer yet! We did get it to stop bleeding and I nursed Kiersten to sleep. What a way to start off, eh! Well, we set up a date to meet again the following week. This time Kiersten fell again, but wasn't hurt. You must be thinking by this time that I'm the worst, most inattentive mother in the world. No, just a mother of 4 active kids that was trying to hold a conversation and keep track of all 4:) So the next one was going well til Garrison pushed Elyssia and she hit her face on a playground bar. Ouch! Once again, she was okay, Garrison was super repentant, promised never to do it again and has been his normally kind self ever since! So, this past week we met at the other mums house. We didn't have ANY accidents! The kids even played on a trampoline! The MOTHER of all injuries:) We enjoyed visiting and the kids ended the last hour by reading a ton of books with the little girl. All in all, I praise the Lord. For a new friend, for new experiences and for protecting the kids from injuries far worse than they acquired. The Lord doesn't promise to keep us from ever getting hurt, but He is always with us when we are going through it. Often calming us and comforting us, helping us not to panic and think calmly about what needs to be done next. Looking forward the months ahead. Full of family visits, holidays, Ladies meetings, homeschooling, play dates, laundry, cooking, baking, a citizenship test(Hopefully), and so much more!
P.S. With the discovery of Skype I have also gotten to talk to my brothers, whom I haven't seen in person for over 2 years, a friend in Africa and a friend in Washington. Looking forward to using it to communicate with other friends that I haven't seen in years:). Signing off before I think of just one more thing I should write about! Will post some more recent pictures sometime in the near future!

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