Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Tuesday Tea Time

  I've been trying to have a friend over for tea for the past three weeks and the first one Kiersten came down with the flu, the second one, the friend wasn't feeling well, and this week it finally clicked.  Shirley is my November tea lady. She's the most entertaining one so far too:)  She brought a bear and dress up accessories to do it right.  She's part of the Red Hat Society, but since she moved up in the age group she didn't need the pink and purple accessories.  We became the recipients of said accessories and the kids LOVE them! Here are a couple of pictures from our fun afternoon.

The favorite guest!

His dad probably won't appreciate this one:)

Kiersten looks like she's thrilled to be wearing a boa.

Reading is a must at every tea party:)
  I don't know if it's just me, but this past year has been busy, overwhelmingly so at times. I mean to call certain people, but by the time I get around to it, it's too late.  I don't usually find people available to talk when my kids are down for nap, due to time changes and jobs.  Before I realize it several months have gone by without my talking to certain people.  I'm not really sure how I can change this though.  It seems to be the way of life.  A lot of things changed when we started school, and since it's high on the priority list there are other things that are set aside.  Thankfully we'll have an eternity to spend with most of our really good friends.  For now, I'll do the best I can and hopefully my friends will forgive me for the lack of communication at times.
  Today Scott took Elyssia with him to the Caleb Village Bible Study.  It was one of the quietest days we've had in quite some time. We played and read books, ate food(of course:), played catch the mama and went outside for a bit of a swing.  We've been having gorgeous weather, so going outside is a requirement while it's still nice.  In the afternoon the boys wanted a bath, so I decided to cut their hair first.  At first I didn't think I did so well on Caleb's, but the more I look at him the more I like it.  I'll have to take some pics tomorrow.  You'd think I'd have the hang of it after cutting Scott's hair for over 7 years and the boys for 4 and 2.  Each time it seems to turn our differently.  Thankfully it's hair and it grows back:).
  Tonight Scott is at the Legion meeting and the kids are winding down for bed.  Last night around this time Caleb fell and hit his head on something(we never really discovered what it was), that sliced his head and there was a lot of blood.  Thankfully we were able to stop the bleeding and apply a bandage.  When I took it off this morning, it was hardly noticeable. Praying for no mishaps tonight.  Elyssia got a gift for each of her siblings while spending her day with daddy.  The books were a big hit and the little cars are being clutched by chubby little hands, fearing that they might be snatched by a sibling at any moment:).  Elyssia's purchase for herself was a coloring book, so after finishing the laundry I got to sit down and color.  I think that's enough activity for one day.  I'm going to sit down and try to enjoy reading a library book that I ordered and my husband picked up for me today. 

1 comment:

  1. How fun to be able to dress up for the tea party! I'm wanting to do that with Lilly and Olivia soon!!


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